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Alien 5 Script

Alien 5 Script

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Aug-15-2016 4:11 AM

Hi Guys,

I hope the title dosent let you think this is the official script leak for Alien 5... i did actually post this on the AVP forum a whie ago however i didn see any mention of it on here so i thought it would be worth a post for all you Alien fans...  A guy called Chris Hood has uploaded a script with what appears to be some gobbledygook fake emial thread between him and fox ( no doubt to get views and reads) however its a nice script and worth a read so i hope you guys enjoy this as much as i did, i actually fell for it being the real thing for a minute but saw through the fact its fake quite quickly...anyway yall have a read - thoughts below yall.

:) D 

3 Responses to Alien 5 Script


Aug-17-2016 2:50 AM

I emailed him about this and he said "nothing [was] happening" with it.


Aug-17-2016 7:02 AM

Been taken down already

R.I.P Sox  01/01/2006 - 11/10/2017


Feb-27-2017 8:15 AM

cud u email the script to me ? I would love to have a quick read of it.

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