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Alien 5 script of mine

Alien 5 script of mine

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Mar-02-2017 4:13 PM



Back in 2012 I wrote (and WGA registered) my 2nd draft for a possible Alien 5 movie, which I never submitted due to hearing about Prometheus coming out.


I think my script is really good and curiously enough I also bypassed Alien 3 & 4 (in a logical way) and worked with a grown-up Newt in order to keep the saga alive and well.


It's a 2nd draft so take it easy when reading it but since I guess it's never going to see the light of day I might as well make it public.


I will be uploading it and posting a link but for now feel free to email me at if you want to read it and if you have any comments to make afterwards (or post it right here).


6 Responses to Alien 5 script of mine


Mar-02-2017 7:50 PM

Here is the link:

Check post below.

EDIT: I had to re-upload the PDF file because for some strange reason I changed Newt's real name before uploading, replacing it incorrectly with Ripley's real daughter name. It was late and I was tired, but this new link has the correct name.


Let me know what you think!



Mar-02-2017 7:52 PM

Link doesn't work without password...


Mar-02-2017 7:55 PM

oops, sorry. password: a5l


Mar-02-2017 8:02 PM

Got it. Will let you know once I get through it..


Mar-09-2017 7:07 PM

Seems links get destroyed automatically after a while in RapidShare.


Here is the Amazon link:


May-04-2017 6:59 PM

Submit?  Submit to who?

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