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What are we waiting for?

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May-21-2017 10:03 AM

I really am left wondering why we had to put off Alien 5 for this shitty prometheus series? James Cameron has given his seal of approval and Blomkamps movie sounds like the Alien 3 we should have gotten the first time around. I don't begin to understand what runs through some of these fools minds?!

3 Responses to What are we waiting for?

George L Hays

Jun-13-2017 9:31 PM

Overall, the rating shouldn't stop teens and tweens alike from enjoying this masterpiece of science fiction and horror; for those who are easily grossed or creeped out, this may not be the right movie, but mature teens and tweens will love it! The aliens are all pretty gross and creepy, and the movie is very intense--with near-constant peril and countless deaths--and language is infrequent but strong: exclamative terms are used throughout in times of peril (i.e., the F-Bomb). There's also some pretty gross and gory content; a man begins to vomit and a baby alien bursts out of his stomach in a mess of guts and gore (however, the special effects from the time in which the movie was made obviously weren't as realistic as they are now, and therefore the impact of the scene should be lessened for kids of this generation).

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